I started out with the name enjay, which is my initials NJ just spelled out, my creative little brother came up with that. So I debated for like. . . . 5 months ish, and finally decided to just do it. Well I went to set it up and it was already taken!!! I was so sad. Then I decided to do enbe, which is what my creative husband came up with. So after playing with logos forever, because I already had one for enjay, I finally got everything set up. I posted all of my books for sale this afternoon, and now I need to make more because there are not very many!
Here it is http://enbe.etsy.com
Other than that, we are going to Vegas tomorrow to a bike expo. I am super excited! We are going to stay with my Aunt Lori in their beautiful house. Tuesday I am going to play with her all day, while Mike goes and rides tons of different bikes. Then on Wednesday I will go with Mike to the bike show and look at all the new bikes!! It will be super fun. Then we are going to drive back Wednesday night, wish me luck, Clay hates the car at night!
The other night at dinner Clay kept making a super funny face. He does this face quite often but I haven't ever gotten a picture of it. Well I got tons of pictures and a couple of videos, he couldn't stop making that crazy face. He is so much fun and so full of energy. He is going to be walking any day now I can feel it. He is so dang cute I can't handle it most days.