I love halloween!! We got back from our honeymoon October 30, so the next day we spent getting ready for halloween night! I dressed up as a witch and Mike was my cute black cat!!! I love it!! We played with friends that night and carved pumpkins, decorated these little mini bunt cakes to look like pumpkins, it was so much fun!! I love the fall here, it is so pretty! Enjoy! Also we dressed up dirt as a ski bum!!! My pumpkin is the kitty one and Nicole did the homestar runner one!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I love halloween!! We got back from our honeymoon October 30, so the next day we spent getting ready for halloween night! I dressed up as a witch and Mike was my cute black cat!!! I love it!! We played with friends that night and carved pumpkins, decorated these little mini bunt cakes to look like pumpkins, it was so much fun!! I love the fall here, it is so pretty! Enjoy! Also we dressed up dirt as a ski bum!!! My pumpkin is the kitty one and Nicole did the homestar runner one!
Cancun!!! and more

Well the wedding is over! YEAH!! I am officially married and I am loving it! Things are going good here, we are just trying to get our house all put together. I don't have my wedding pictures back yet but I am so excited to see them! Everything went really great, it turned out just the way I wanted it. The reception was beautiful! Thank-you so much everybody for helping me with that! It was so much fun to have my entire family here, it was really sad to see them all go. Cancun was a blast! The hotel was SO NICE!!!! We had so much fun going to see the myan ruins, and going snorkeling! I have lots of good stories, but for now I will just put some pictures up!!! My hair is really short now, I chopped it all off two days after my wedding! YEAH!! I love it! It is so much fun to have short hair! After we got back from our honeymoon we had to drive to Las Vegas and go to my friends wedding where I was the maid of honor. I had to pick up the tuxes, do her hair, and Mike was the photographer! So basically we HAD to be there. Her wedding went really good, and we stayed with my aunt Lori. It was good to see their family I haven't seen them in a long time. Amy and Randy live there with them right now, it was so good to talk to them! They also have a brand new baby who is SO CUTE! Mike also became best friends with there other little girl, we had a great time with them. So we came home from vegas to find our dog and two new puppies!!! Our friend Scotty had been watching our dog and bought two puppies over the weekend! Well he lives in an apartment in student housing, with means no dogs allowed! So he is currently looking for a house. Meanwhile we have the two adorable little puppies and now of course we want one!!! Thanks a lot Scotty!!! They are fun to have though, and dirt loves them! He acts like their dad and it is so cute! Anyways, sorry that was a jumbled mess and probably hard to understand, but at least you get to look at pictures!!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Only 3 weeks left!!!!
There are only 3 weeks left until we get married!!! Crazy! Time has gone by so fast! Hopefully you will all be getting your invitations soon! We had a little technical difficulty, we ran out of wax for the wax seals. .. but we are getting more in tomorrow. Tomorrow is also my birthday so I probably won't be doing invitations when I get home from work! Everything is going good though, we have everything ready for the most part. The invitations are my biggest thing right now! I just got back from Nebraska and had a really fun time there. It was fun to play with friends and see tons of people I haven't seen in about a year! The shower was so much fun! It was fun to see Brad and Emily's new house!! It is so cute! They have done a lot to it from what I hear, I didn't see the before of the house, but it looks really good right now! The other hightlight of my trip was that I got to see my little brother!! YEAH!!!! He is the AP right now so he is in the airport quite often. So I e-mailed him saying I was hopeing to see missionaries on my flight so I could give them a note to give to my brother. So Travis writes me back saying well maybe I can come see you at the airport when is your flight? So I tell him all my information, but then he writes back saying sorry it's not going to work. So I am sitting in the airport the next day in omaha, and I get a phone call from a phenoix number. It is my little brother companion!!! He tells me just to come out of security when I get to Pheniox and they will be there waiting for me!!! So my plane got there a little early and I rushed out of security and there he was sittting there waiting!!! I just hugged him forever! He is a lot taller than I remember him being and so skinny! He looked really good and it was so fun to see him! He said well it is not as hard to say goodbye this time becuase I am going to see you in a couple of weeks! YEAH!! I am so excited to see him again! I am so glad I got to see him when I was there, and I told him to say thank you thank you thank you to his mission president. They made a special trip to the airport just to come see me! It was a lot of fun! So now I am back home and back to work. Trying to get things done when I get home from work in the evenings. CRAZY! It is good to be back with Mike though! I missed that guy while I was gone in Nebraska!!!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
New pets!
So, I wanted to show everyone pictures of our new kitty. He is really cute, but kind of a pain in the butt already. His name is Atlas by the way. So aparently cats get stressed when they move to new places and they poo everywhere! So that was pleasent. So I took him to the vet yesterday and we don't quite have a kennel for him yet so since he was stressed already and then he was scared in the car he was shedding like crazy!!! I HATE cat hair! Good thing we got a cat :) Anyways, So I take him to the vet and he does have an infection so we have to give him medicine twice a day until our two bottles of medicine are gone!!! So the vet tech showed me how to put the medicine in the cats mouth, it is going to be interesting. The place we adopted him from told us we had a two week trial period and if we didn't like him we could give him back. . . so with all the shedding and pooping, we were really tempted to. He is just really cute though, and he gets along with Dirt increadibly well, they love eachother! So we decieded to give this medicine a try and see if he gets better. Don't worry though when everybody comes to visit for our Wedding there will be no sign of cat hair!!! Other than that, still just planning away. When mom comes to visit we are going to take a trip to Jackson Hole!!! YEAH!! I love that place and I am so excited to see you mom!!!! We need to convince Dad to come too!!! Also I wanted to put up a picture of all the bikes at Mike's house!!! He was fixing some for friends, there were a lot of bikes!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I wish it was snowing!

So, it is really hot here, and probably everywhere else, I overheard someone talking about playing in the snow. . . .they are already making plans!! Where is this snow??? Is it coming soon and I am just not aware of this who plans two seasons ahead!! Wierdo. Anyways, I added this picture of Dirt, our pup, for two reasons: 1 he is just a freaking cute pup and I wanted people to see him, 2 he LOVES the snow! When he spots a patch of snow he slides on it like he is some sort of seal, he loves it!! It is so fun to watch him he is cute, and he misses the snow too! So good news I got my dress back from the alteration lady. She made a little jacket for me, it is really cute! I turned out better than I had planned. She also cleaned it and did a bussle . . I don't know if that is how you spell that, but you all know what I am talking about. . right? It is being safely stored at Mike's sisters house where it can actually hang up and be in air conditioning. . . in my house it would shrivel up. I also put a picture of a little backpacking trip Mike and I went on, it was a lot of fun and we camped in snow!! That was in may! It was a fun trip though, our pup came with us and our friend Scotty. It was a good time. OH! Other news we have started the paper work to buy our house!!! So I will let you know in a year when that is all done!! So many papers to sign and read!!! It is exciting though. Also Mike bought me a new bike. It is so FUN! I love it, it is a commuter bike. It has a mountain bike frame and handle bars, but the wheels are skinny like a road bike, it is super fast and light, I love it. So now when I ride my bike to work I get there a whole lot quicker, and it can still hold my little basket on it! YEAH! I think that is all for now though. I am just working on getting wedding stuff done, it is coming along good. Any suggestions and ideas are more than okay!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I can't believe I am doing this

Okay, so I never thought I would have a blog!!!! I thought it would be a good idea though. JJ has one and I love reading about what she is doing! So I thought I could put some wedding updates on here so everybody can know what I am doing!!! I realize my address is Natalie Bodrero, and I am not quite Bodrero yet, but I figure it will be soon enough. Well as of right now, I have my dress and Mike has his suit!! We went to dillards last night and picked it out, and it looks so good on him! I am so excited. Then his mom went and bought it the next morning. When she went to go get it she just started laughing and the sales guy was nervous she didn't like it. So I guess she was laughing becuase it is the same color of suit his Dad wore when him and Mike's mom got married!!! WIERD HUH!! I think it is so cool that it turned out that way. Mike's mom says that it is wierd how many things they do alike, I love it! Also, we got our plane tickets to cancun!!! YEAH!!! We offically have a honeymoon spot! Now we just have to work on getting our passports, which I am not looking forward to. Well I am off to bed, I hope I can keep on top of this to keep you all updated! Oh, by the way that picture is there so you can see what I look like when I am typing!! Okay I know I am lame, but I love it!
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